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Vigattin Inc. started out on March 9, 2011 as an idea by the team of Elison Barcelo, Yarlie Lim, and Fernando Impelido, who envisioned an information technology company that can help improve the lives of Filipinos through technology and the many opportunities that come along with it. With the help of just two people still learning programming, the group began the daunting process of building this organization from the ground up. From those simple beginnings, this idealistic team went on to make that vision a step closer to reality when they formally registered Vigattin Inc. as a Filipino company on July 4, 2012. With a growing staff of 17 young professionals, they set about putting together parts of what would eventually be the Vigattin Inc. and its multi-website.
Formally released to the public on December 23, 2012, its multi-website, Vigattin.com, is now operating at full speed, already providing information and services in the fields of technology, trade, finance, tourism, leisure and entertainment making. Vigattin Inc. has also made its presence known through various media. It has established its own radio program, Vigattin Radio on Radyo Inquirer 990, first airing on January 5, 2013. With its regular programming airing every Saturday, Vigattin is extending its influence and presence to a greater majority of Filipinos through education and discourse of the role of information technology in society.
Currently, Vigattin Inc. is in the process of upgrading its capabilities and providing new and exciting services that will cater to the needs of Filipinos, and eventually to everyone in the world. With a capable team of young, creative and skillful team of programmers, writers, editors and web design artists, Vigattin Inc. continues to grow bigger every day in the hopes of uplifting the lives of Filipinos through the latest in information and Web technology.
As the fastest-growing Philippine information technology company geared towards a brighter future, it is Vigattin Inc.’s mission:
- To help Filipinos improve their way of life by providing them business opportunities through Vigattin’s information technology and social programs.
- To provide reliable, efficient, and exceptional service to all its customers through its multi-website in the fields of technology, trade, finance, tourism, leisure and entertainment.
- To create awareness of the many possibilities and opportunities made possible through technology through its various media like Vigattin Radio and the Vigattin multi-website.
- To empower every Filipino with the means to make a difference in their lives through their participation in the many civic and outreach programs fostered and sponsored by Vigattin Inc.
It is Vigattin Inc.’s vision to become a world leader in the field of information technology, constantly innovating and improving to become a company that caters to all the needs of all people in all fields of endeavor, backed by the latest in technology and the energy of its young but capable and creative staff. Vigattin’s vision has no boundaries, and it will continue to evolve and remain relevant in these changing times while making a difference in people’s lives.
So far, the Vigattin Team has developed four websites, these websites are vigattin.com, a social networking and photo sharing site; vigattintourism.com, a Philippine tourism and travel website; vigattintrade.com, a buy and sell site; and vigattindeals.com, a group-buying site.