Isla Vista Beach Resort is located in Candelaria, Zambales, Philippines. It is a place where the sea, the mountains, and the provincial life are one. Five (5) hours (249 kilometers) from Manila or 2 and half hours from Subic Bay.
2 persons per room required per booking
Voucher validity: September 16, 2014- January 06, 2015
Rooms are subject to availability
Rate is per person
Price is inclusive of taxes
No refund/rebooking once booked and confirmed
Printed voucher is required upon redemption
For inquiries, please call us at (02) 945-2568
Valid on weekday nights (Monday to Thursday) only
P671 instead of P1,500 for 2 Days and 1 Night stay at Isla Vista Beach Resort and Restaurant
Located at Ealdama St. Uacon Cove, Candelaria, Zambales
Free Wi-Fi
Beach front swimming pool – color pool at night
Nearest kick off point to the Island, 3 - 5 minutes boat transfer
130 meter wide beach front
Beach front bar / restaurant overlooking Patipot island